It’s Bat Week again

This week is International Bat Week (Oct 24 – 31).  Check out the events happening across North America, plus tons of cool videos and bat-themed project ideas here:

In honour of our spooky flying friends, the Canadian Bat Box Project has released this very comprehensive report on bat boxes.  Everything and more that you ever wanted or needed to know. Download it here: Best Management Practices for the Use of Bat Houses in the US and Canada

And now for some photos:


From a brief history of bats (Canadian Wildlife Service blog post)

Little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus). This is the bat common found in the Bulkley Valley. (Jason Corbett photo).  During its lifetime it eats millions of mosquitos and other insects.

The fringe-lipped bat (Trachops cirrhosus) is definitely not found in the Bulkley Valley – it lives in Central and South America. Also known as the frog-eating bat, it is believed to secrete toxic chemicals absorbed from the skin of its prey from the warty bumps on its chin. (Jose Gabriel Martinez Fonseca photo)