Recent Field Trip Reports- June 2013

Beginner’s Birding, June 8, 2013:  6 people (2 kids) joined the leader Rosamund at Tyhee Lake Park for a beginner’s birding trip. We had lots of fun. We were able to see up close the brilliant red and salmon flashes of the American Redstarts, the masked bandit Common Yellowthroats, and the red epaulets of Red-winged Blackbirds. We also watched Common Loons on the lake, Swallows (mainly violet-green), and listened to Northern Waterthrush, Swainson’s Thrush, Warbling Vireos, Song Sparrows and Black-capped Chickadees among many others. We also were able to smell the wonderful perfume of the false Solomon’s seal and the not so wonderful of the beautiful chocolate lilies.

Beginner’s Birding, June 22, 2013:   10 enthusiastic and sharp-eyed aspiring birders joined trip leader Mel Coulson on a B C Parks and BV Naturalists sponsored field trip at Tyhee Lake Provincial Park. In a 2 hour session we worked our way from the the picnic shelter to the viewing platform and then back along the lake and partway up the Aldermere Trail.

Since the trees are now fully leafed out and birds can be quite difficult to see at this time of year, the trip focused on “birding by ear”, that is identifying birds by their unique songs. Once located by song, however, we were often able to catch glimpses of them through the foliage. Some quite colourful birds, such as American Redstarts, Common Yellowthroats, Yellow Warblers and Cedar Waxwings obliged us with spectacular views.

A highlight of the trip was discovering a Cedar Waxwing nest which the female waxwing was still adding finishing touches to while the male stood guard.

It was particularly gratifying to have some very keen young people on the trip. So enthusiastic were two of the young boys, in fact, that they wanted to  know when the next trip would take place!

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Nature Walk, June 29, 2103: 12 people (including leader Rosamund) walked around the Aldermere Trail. We had some very very enthusiatic young people who were so excited about seeing ant trails, a large slug which left yellow slime on Rosamund’s hand (and is an introduced species – Arion subfuscus, the Dusky Arion), many fungi, and beautiful flowers. American Redstarts displayed for us so we could easily see their bright colours and many other birds sang for us. We examined insects crawling around in the rose and thimbleberry flowers and our youngest member bravely tasted the bitter soapberry fruits (from the look on his face he won’t do it again!!).

Participants explore specimens. Photo by Carla Atherton.

Participants explore specimens. Photo by Carla Atherton.

An exciting treasure was the empty exoskeleton of a dragonfly nymph. When the Swainson’s Thrush warned us of impending rain we headed back to the Picnic Shelter. There we had snacks laid on by Carla and we all tried to guess which animal various pelts belonged to while the rain poured down.

Rosamund, slug, and excited participant. Photo by Carla Atherton.

The group discovers a trail of ants. Photo by Carla Atherton.

The group discovers a trail of ants. Photo by Carla Atherton.