Star Wars at the Hummingbird Feeder

There is a spectacular battle going on outside my kitchen window right now — as good as any Star Wars scene. One male Rufous Hummingbird is fearlessly defending the feeder against all the other eight hummers that are trying to get a sip. Most of the others are female Rufous, but a single male Calliope, with his resplendent majenta gorget flashing, is determined not to be put off. Normally, when the hummers first arrive they are quite dependent on the willow catkins, which contain large amounts of nectar. However, many of our willows in the valley bottom have died due to the stem borer. I would think that the lack of this food source must be having some impact on the hummingbirds.

The sudden hot weather brought a flush of White-crowned Sparrows and a lone Golden-crowned to our seed feeder. Together with about 30 Evening Grosbeaks (mostly male), 20 or so Pine Siskins, two pairs of Juncos and several Black-capped Chickadees, the feeder is very busy and the noise is almost deafening. I’ll swear the Grosbeaks sit up in the trees and `yell` as loud as they can in the hopes that I will refill the feeder (which they empty in about 10 minutes flat). With Napoleonic bravado the Ruby-crowned Kinglet males are belting their song out and, if you listen carefully, the songs of Yellow-rumped Warblers, Red-winged Blackbirds, Varied Thrushes, American Robins, Northern Flickers and Red-breasted Nuthatches are all joining the spring chorus.

This past week there have been reports of White-fronted Geese and many different duck species, including Shovellers, out at Toboggan Lake this past week. The Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese all passed through in a big hurry this year.

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The south-facing grassy slopes are covered with the lovely sagebrush buttercup at present. Soapberries and aspens are all in flower. The hazelnut bushes were in full bloom around Hazelton around mid-April with their bright pink female flowers opening up before the male catkins. They are almost finished their flowering as I write. Soon the Saskatoon and cherry flowers will be opening up.

Two weeks ago I was visiting a friend out near Toboggan Lake as a flock of Sandhill Cranes came in to land for the evening. Then I went across the road to see other friends and heard this amazing, but unfamiliar (to my ears) noise. Was it the cranes? … no, was it geese? … no, was it ducks?…. no. It sounded like a combination of all three. “Frogs,” my friend said in response to my puzzled look. Sure enough there are a bunch of Wood Frogs that breed in the pond every spring just as the pond is thawing and freezing again at night. The call, described aptly as sounding like “gabbling geese”, has thrown many a visitor who set off in pursuit of the strange sounding geese, … or ducks,… or cranes! I have been watching for Wood Frogs for years, but this is the first time I have actually heard them. If anyone knows of more locations here in the Bulkley Valley, do let us know.